Who are Adoption West?
Adoption West provides dedicated adoption services for the following Local Authorities;
- Bath and North East Somerset,
- Bristol,
- Gloucestershire,
- North Somerset,
- South Gloucestershire,
- and Wiltshire.
In the spring of 2019, the adoption teams of these local authorities, came together to provide an adoption service that improved outcomes, for the children in these areas awaiting adoptive families, for people looking to adopt, and for those families that have already adopted.
The core aims of working together as part of a larger region are to;
- Help recruit new families more effectively,
- Enable children to move into their permanent homes faster,
- Improve adoption support services.
The team at Adoption West is very proud that the recent (August 2024) Ofsted Inspection found them to provide effective services that meet the requirements for good.

Our Principles
Our work at Adoption West is underpinned by the following principles:
Children are entitled to grow up as part of a loving family that can meet their needs during childhood and beyond. Where possible this should be within their own family.
The child’s welfare, safety and needs will be at the centre of the adoption process.
The child’s wishes and feelings will be taken into account at all stages.
Delays in adoption can have a severe impact on the health and development of children and should be avoided wherever possible.
The child’s ethnic origin, cultural background, religion, language and sexuality will be fully recognised, positively valued and promoted when decisions are made.
The particular needs of disabled children will be fully recognised and taken into account when decisions are made.
The role of adoptive parents in offering a permanent family to a child who cannot live with their birth family will be valued and respected.
Adoption has lifelong implications for all involved, including many organisations, professionals and individuals who have to work together in the best interests of a child.
Birth parents and birth families are entitled to services that recognise the lifelong implications of adoption. They will be treated fairly, openly and offered a support service.
Who do we work with?
We work with Adoption England, IAC (Intercountry Adoption Charity), Adoption UK, CCS Adoption, New Family Social, and other agencies and organisations to find and support families.